The idea is to use the AppleScript to count the number of messages in the mailbox, then change the name accordingly, to something like 'Messages (23).' The two scripts either change the names of a number of specified mailboxes, or of mailboxes whose names begin with the @ character. In the Mail app on your Mac, in the toolbar, start typing a phrase in the search field (if you don’t see it, click the Search button in the toolbar), then choose a Mail suggestion. Mail creates a search filter in the search field and lists the matching messages it found. Step 1: Create a Content Search to find the message to delete. The first step is to create and run a Content Search to find the message that you want to remove from mailboxes in your organization. You can create the search by using the Security & Compliance Center or by running the New-ComplianceSearch and Start-ComplianceSearch cmdlets.
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Sockets can be configured to act as a server and listen for incomingmessages, or connect to other applications as a client. After bothends of a TCP/IP socket are connected, communication isbi-directional.
Echo Server¶
This sample program, based on the one in the standard librarydocumentation, receives incoming messages and echos them back to thesender. It starts by creating a TCP/IP socket.
Then bind() is used to associate the socket with the serveraddress. In this case, the address is localhost, referring to thecurrent server, and the port number is 10000.
Calling listen() puts the socket into server mode, andaccept() waits for an incoming connection.
accept() returns an open connection between the server andclient, along with the address of the client. The connection isactually a different socket on another port (assigned by the kernel).Data is read from the connection with recv() and transmittedwith sendall().
When communication with a client is finished, the connection needs tobe cleaned up using close(). This example uses atry:finally block to ensure that close() is always called,even in the event of an error.
Echo Client¶
The client program sets up its socket differently from theway a server does. Instead of binding to a port and listening, ituses connect() to attach the socket directly to the remoteaddress.
After the connection is established, data can be sent through thesocket with sendall() and received with recv(),just as in the server.
When the entire message is sent and a copy received, the socket isclosed to free up the port.
Client and Server Together¶
The client and server should be run in separate terminal windows, sothey can communicate with each other. The server output is:
The client output is:
Easy Client Connections¶
TCP/IP clients can save a few steps by using the convenience functioncreate_connection() to connect to a server. The function takesone argument, a two-value tuple containing the address of the server,and derives the best address to use for the connection.
create_connection() uses getaddrinfo() to find candidateconnection parameters, and returns a socket opened with thefirst configuration that creates a successful connection. Thefamily, type, and proto attributes can beexamined to determine the type of socket being returned.
Choosing an Address for Listening¶
It is important to bind a server to the correct address, so thatclients can communicate with it. The previous examples all used'localhost' as the IP address, which limits connections to clientsrunning on the same server. Use a public address of the server, suchas the value returned by gethostname(), to allow other hosts toconnect. This example modifies the echo server to listen on anaddress specified via a command line argument.
A similar modification to the client program is needed before theserver can be tested.
After starting the server with the, the netstat command shows itlistening on the address for the named host.
Running the the client on another host, as the host where the server is running,produces:
And the server output is:
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Many servers have more than one network interface, and therefore morethan one IP address. Rather than running separate copies of a servicebound to each IP address, use the special address INADDR_ANYto listen on all addresses at the same time. Although socketdefines a constant for INADDR_ANY, it is an integer value andmust be converted to a dotted-notation string address before it can bepassed to bind(). As a shortcut, use the empty string 'instead of doing the conversion.
To see the actual address being used by a socket, call itsgetsockname() method. After starting the service, runningnetstat again shows it listening for incoming connectionson any address.
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